Introducing our Team

Learn more about the core figures running this enterprise, about their roles in the organization, their area of expertice, and their contributions to science and society.

Managing Director

Magne Arne Brekke

With over 50 years of experience in the Technology Market, and having worked in industries such as Oil and Gas, IT, computing and supercomputing, Manufacture, and Healthcare among others; Magne Arne Brekke is the founder and chairman of this organization.

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Key People at BB Visual Solutions:

Magne Arne Brekke

Managing Director

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Florian Reiterer


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Csaba Anderlik

PhD & IT Manager

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& Support

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Discover our workplace:

The Head Office

With Headquarters in Straume, BB Visual Solutions is located on one of the finest facility complexes in Norway, having access to an auditorium and multiple offices within the complex.

Org nr: 925 718 823

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The Firm's Mission:

Our Mission is to help Industry in the Transition to a Sustainable Development by offering more advanced, cheaper, and environmentally friendly technologies that can replace hihgly energy consuming and resource intense devices and works.

Our approach to this Transition is simple: We offer a valuable alternative to current technologies. We incentivice the greener technologies that we work with by making sure that they are economically viable, reliable and competent, in order to make sustainability not a luxury, but a cheaper alternative to the current scheme of development.

With the help of Augmented Reality solutions we can easily replace devices such as control pannels, monitors, and overcomplicated alert systems with cheap and easily installable stickers or "smart pannels" and other technologies that require no wiring, and can work both with and without internet connection.

Also, our smart navigation systems not only secure and simplify maintenance and management, they also replace other expensive technologies and security measures by integrating an all in one solution to monitoring and tracking both of employees and devices. This saves costs, reduces labour, and is signifficantly more energy efficient than the current standard practices.

This is how we aim to contribute to the current goal of achieving an Ecological Transition on a large scale, by offering real value that can work as an alternative.